Patrick Wolf- the genius.
>the album , 'the bachelor' came out June the 1st.
>part one of the double album ' Battle'
>features the like of the actress Tilda Swinton, Folk singer Eliza Carthy, electro pop pioneer Alec empire and Tomas Bloch ,the only person in the world able to play the crystal bachet(instrument made of crystal and steel).
TRACKLIST- and a rough outline of what they mean:
- Kriegspiel- an angry intorduction
- Hard Times- song about crisis and urging people to act
- Oblivion - Iraq war, soldiers
- The Bachelor- old folk poem adapted
- Damaris - story of one of patrick wolfs ancestors and their story of love
- Thickets - about hackney wick and the marshes
- Count of Casualty - iraq war casualty, foolishness
- Who Will? - lack of love
- Vulture - when you feel impure and dirty
- Blackdown -father getting cancer
- The Sun Is Often Out - suiscide of good friend
- Theseus - once you have what you've always wanted and your still not happy what do u do?
- Battle - battle agaisnt conforming to preconceptions
- The Messenger - looking back upon travels

+ Even form the album cover you can see this is album that indicates, Wolf's roots back at "lyncathropy" with the demonstration on his electronic influences on tracks such as 'Count of Casualty' and folk sons such as ' the bachelor' and 'blackdown'.
+ huge string sections creating a really big sound, but on 'sun is often out' a song about the suicide of a friend, there are loads of orchestral strings , yet due to the tempo of the piece a possible tune is absent.
+ Quoting from prefixmag.com :
"This is exactly how Patrick Wolf’s music should be listened to -- headphones on and up while in a deep focus as you may normally dedicate to a Sunday crosswoI love this album, its musical genius to me and with each song the story and purpose of it slowly becomes evident the more you listen. Give it time.rd puzzle. Without careful listening, the blanket of sound that Wolf lays out on his fourth album, The Bachelor, becomes noisy and oppressive. However, applying the attention it demands, it can become a guessing game that could be called Name That Instrument, revealing moments of true inspiration."
BUY: Oblivion, Theseus, Count of Casualty and the two singles:(Hard times and Vulture)Theseus:
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